This is the artist who is under contract on his/her copyright with Medialynx Japan Co., Ltd.
Contact us if you have an interest in use of the copyrights for publication, exhibition, merchandising, and others.
Akiko Hayashi

Born in Tokyo, 1945. Graduated from the Faculty of Education, Yokohama National University. First picture book was "Kamihikoki" published in 1973. Winner of many awards both domestic and international such as the 2nd Ehon Nippon Award with "What day is it today?" (Fukuinkan Shoten), fine art prize of the Sankei Jido Shuppan Bunka Award with "There's a hippo in my bath!"(Fukuinkan Shoten) etc. Main works include picture books "Mii-chan's first errand", "Kon and Aki", "Kutsu Kutsu Aruke no Hon"(all from Fukuinkan Shoten), and illustration for "Garasu no Uma" (Kaiseisha) and "Nanairoyama no Himitsu"(Fukuinkan Shoten). Resides in Nagano.


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