Company Outline
Company name: Medialynx Japan Co., Ltd.
Representative: President / C.E.O. Hozumi Tamotsu
Date of foundation : November 27, 1997
Address of company : 2-44-2 Matsugaoka, Tokorozawa, Saitama, 359-1132
TEL: +81-4-2936-6428
FAX: +81-4-2936-6426

About our name
Medialynx Japan Co., Ltd's CI mark, the company logo is a design by the famous Korean graphic designer, Mr. Woo-Hyon Kang. A lynx is an animal with a tuft of hair on its ears that serve as antennas. One of the main objectives for our company is to gather and send information, and to link media, thus the name Medialynx came to birth. Medialynx is a registered trademark.

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